Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A photo a day to our first Mothers Day!

Day 141- Cereal? haha
Day 142- yes, we know you two look a like 
Day 143

Day 144- Getting in the frame of me photographing birds lol 

Day 145- Holding her feet up for mom 

Day 146- Are we in Sudbury again?!
Day 147- Sitting forward for the first time 

Day 148- First time at the camp, enjoying a laugh with Matante Pauline
Day 149- Gee I don't wanna go home! 

Day 150- our first Mother's Day together

This is how much she moves at night! I found her totally sideways . She loves that mobile.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Annabelle's random photoshoot

I tried taking ONE photo of Annabelle and she moved so much (she was playing) it turned into the cutest photoshoot. This little girl fills my day, and still my nights (yawn) and all of my heart. xo
You want a picture mom? I'll show you how it's done!

How's this one?

 A little more Marilyn? Need more drama?

Over-the-shoulder drama

We're getting too serious, let me throw my legs up

Okay last pose. This is my good side 

Oh my toes! 

One last dramatic pose. Cameras off!