Friday, March 30, 2012

PR and MOM

I'm just taking a break from working on the marketing package for the 2012 Canadian Beatbox Championships to make a quick post. Annabelle is sleeping on my lap and i'm typing away. We've been like this for about two hours now :)
I'm falling more in love with her everyday. It hurts so good.
Speaking of love, all three of us spent a beautiful day together.

We went to the Out There office to celebrate the 7th season! We got a sneak peek into our episode and let's say the water works came running down! I can't say much at this time which SUCKS but when it comes time to promote it i'll be all over that! 
Out There with Melissa DiMarco airs Saturdays at 7:30PM on Citytv.
Annabelle was a beauty all day, she's so calm and happy. On our way home we grabbed a present for her uncle Eric's 19th birthday. A little overdue Monopoly game to add to the collection. 
After fish and chips, we gave Annabelle a bath.
Baby: Two big milestones this week. She totally sits in her bath and loves it now. When she's not relaxing in her bath, Annabelle enjoys jolly jumping! It's soo sweet to see her get excited and hop. She's so strong. I feel so weak sometimes but she keeps my head up way high.
It's been a good Friday night. Although I wonder what my high heeled friends are doing I feel awesome doing what I do best- PR and MOM. 

102 days and loves tummy time!
103 days and loves bath time!
104 days and loves jolly jumpin' time!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

3 years later...and 101 days old!

Phil and hit our three year mark on March 24. This dates the day we made sure we were exclusive and official just outside the ACC after the Leafs won 2-1 against Washington and as Scott Jackson buskers for money to head to Germany. Three years later we're still in love, we have a baby and we watch our baby's Godfather Scott Jackson perform on Canada's Got Talent (and make it to the semi-finals). Sorry, it's PR and the Working MOM blogspot- I have to get my PR in!
It's exciting to see where we've come to grow together in just three years.
Three years together...made us three a family :) xoxo

100 days!!

101 days today :) 

99 days of baby

97 days <3 Just have to share this nice picture (taken in the middle of a big perogie meal!)
 <3 It's getting harder to post the pictures because she's such a busy little person now.
86 days on the way home from Sudbury. Holding grandma Sheryl's hand and Matante Val's hand for extra love
87 days :)
88 days. Photo taken by Phil
89 days. Another day out!
90 days. Cute family photo
91 days too cute
Another too cute moment at 91 days
This is supposed to be day 92 but it looks like no one took photos that day! It must have been a busy Friday. So here's a bath shot from the night before. Booya!

93 days. Happy St-Patricks day!

94 days beautiful. First summer dress!
95 days and bright eyed
96 days and looking like a BIG BABY!

97 days. Enjoying the sunny weather under a tree

98 days. Just getting started in the new toys! She can't touch her feet on the ground just yet  but she loves the distraction

I just finished my first freelance PR job as I helped to spread the word for the launch of Toronto's new Comic Book Lounge. It was a huge success and I have to thank my friends at Guerilla Printing for giving me the opportunity to branch out and make new connections. It's such a great scene! I now know I can balance my time well with the baby for small jobs like this one was- but I am still 100 per cent MOM right now.
Sadly I don't have a photo of Annabelle this day, which was day 99, but here I am having my one beer allowed! 

Monday, March 19, 2012

A New Mom Walk Day

83 days cute
We went for a walk to the skate park and along the Humber river yesterday. Phil got to bring his baby to the skate park for the first time. He was so excited! It's so exciting reliving certain places and moments with your baby.
Today we went for our first "new mom" walk in High Park. Just me and Annabelle of course! Sorry Phil! Annabelle is taking much better to the stroller but I still always have a carrier on me. And I totally began walking with the wrong new moms. It was so funny! Thank goodness Annabelle slept the entire time so when I found my right group we were still good to go! It was a great walk and made me realize that we're all in the same position no matter our age or career. Today's talk was the fact that no one was sure how much to dress our babies to protect them from the sun, yet not to overheat or get too cold. We all have different ways and advice to share. I'm really sunburnt tonight but I can't wait to get out again! Annabelle went to bed at 9:30 p.m. tonight, she usually crashes at 8 p.m. so the fresh air did us all some good. 

PR: I accepted a small freelance job to gather media for Toronto's Comic Book Lounge & Gallery Launch thanks to my friends at Guerilla Printing. I only need an hour here and there for e-mails and calls so it's been pretty easy balancing this one with the baby. 

80 days

81 days

82 days and running away from mom!

83 days

84 days

I have to share this one! 85 days old and holding on to her aunt Val by the ear!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy 3 months Annaboo!

Annabelle turned three months old and we found ourselves in our first "New Mom" group. Yay. Poor Phil wanted to come but this was a traditional women only affair. I got to bring my sister Val and I promised him we'll look into more family groups.


I was about to go sleep with baby (it's 9:02p.m.) but my fortune cookie read "You have both a lot of ideas and the energy to put them into action." So here I go! Blogging away.

I feel so good knowing that I have so much support and people are excitedly awaiting my next blog post!

This one is to celebrate my first new mom venture. I tell ya between the family visits up north and my sister's March Break stay here in Toronto I have ventured more than I ever could have imagined doing alone.

I just decided that I'm not going to blog my day-by-day stay in Sudbury. I mean, if I didn't have time to blog once in 10 days I am not going to start now. Besides, I picture says a million words and I took a million pictures.

If I can make this blog post more informational let me say that you should not ever think you're educated and independent enough to raise a baby on your own. I say this for all my independent ladies that are reading! Don't argue. Please read. I am considered to be independent but the moment my family walked into the delivery room I knew I needed them. My plan was only to have Phil in the room and now we know if we didn't have the midwives we both would have been a mess! The days following birth require extra help too because no mother walks away feeling fine. When they say it takes six weeks to recover- it really takes six weeks to recover.
People tell you not to take advice but their advice is to take their advice because they don't think they're giving you advice because they just said don't take advice before they began giving you their advice.
Surprisingly I (independent, impatient) took everyone's advice with open arms and I moved forward with my parenting as a confident family-orientated lady.
All this talk about surrounding yourself with family and friends is to support the fact that going up north and changing the environment really helped Annabelle and I grow. We saw more people, learned new tricks and she grew some hair on her head. Aw, she still has hair ears.
We really missed Phil! But he stayed busy with the videos and I assured him that Annabelle was needed. She brought smiles to my mother who lives everyday loving her more and just lost her brother. She brought smiles to my dad who's had quite a year and his nickname was "Grumpy Moe". He turned out to be a happy Grampy Moe with baby. She brought a smile to my mom's god mother. She brought a smile to my Grandmaman Gogo- her great grandma! Annabelle is Grandmaman's fifth great grandchild and watching those two bond meant the world to me. Granny is the only one who put her to sleep without rocking her in arms! It was truly an emotional experience that I'm going to keep in my heart and grow with it. It was fun to live with my sisters again and have nothing but girls in the house. Annabelle brought smiles to everyone and as her mother I watch how she has changed my life and the lives of many other people.

When we returned home on Sunday Phil's face was illuminated. He looked twelve again. And she did it. Annabelle giggled first for her daddy like we wanted. He ran to get me and when I came up she giggled a little bit more. I screamed and cried and she hasn't giggled since! Haha. But I know she's going to let lose again because her smiles are bigger than ever!

Now we find ourselves ending Valerie's march break stay after a whirlwind of visits and new experiences. I'm happy I signed up for the New Mom Group. It makes me realize and open up to myself about some issues and thoughts that have been bothering me. It's your typical New Mom group. Smiling women, all beautiful, gorgeous babies and there's the go-getters that organize the extra activities outside the New Mom group. So now this PR MOM will compliment Thursday's New Mom group with a walking group on Mondays.
I feel good!


Friday, March 9, 2012

La BelleAnna

71 days
72 days
73 days

74 days

75 days
76 days
77 days
78 days
79 days
Finally a new blog! The many faces and angles of Annabelle... It's so neat to see how she looks more like Phil one way and me the other. We've been in Sudbury for ten days now and we've not slowed down! What have I learned? A lot. Annabelle has grown so much and we're anxious to return to Phil's arms. I can't wait to have some down time and blog about the amazing memories with our family up north.

xoxo PRMOM