Friday, November 25, 2011

38 weeks pregnant

My own wet dreams are beginning. Waking up with little spots on my tops. Nice.
Baby: Midwife said perfect heart and her head is nice and low “not floating”
Labor news: Following up with one of my previous blogs midwives do practice by choice- meaning we have the say in everything but she did confirm that if (and when) we resort to asking for the epidural that she will no longer be able to deliver the baby. The OB on hand will but she will remain in the room for extra support. 
Home: I keep arranging and rearranging things. Phil keeps getting calls for jobs and taking them with a backup plan to get the call :P
I had dinner with a PR colleague the other day. It was quite an extravagant soiree actually! Anyways, he said at first he has 9-1-1 on speed dial and he knows the fastest way to the Toronto General Hospital! Haha it was all so sweet but I told him 9-1-1 is unnecessary and our hospital is St-Josephs.

Here are some sketches of us throughout the pregnancy done by my mother of course! They were used as Baby Shower decor but we're anxious to frame them and hang them on our walls! 

Phil had to get one of course!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Labor talk a little much?

At first I really wanted to know every single defining moment of this child birth process. I really enjoy seeing how my baby is growing every week. It reminds me that the stretch marks that are sprouting are accounting for a healthy and most likely very long baby. Okay my growing belly means so much more than trying to justify stretch marks lol - I'm just being dramatic! C'mon beautiful baby kicking me, come out and play :)

Now that I'm at the labor and delivery chapters, I think I'm going to close the books. You see, I feel pretty confident going into labor right now. Well actually right now I don't that's why I'm blogging- but for the most part I do. I just think of all the women young and old who've done it. I just want to remember it's all about the baby and I just want to breath and push. All the extra What if's, thinning walls, bloody shows and aftermath talk are just making my stomach turn. I know that we all have to know about them of course so when it happens it's not a complete shock- but I'm at the stage where I've had enough. I just need to go into this blinded. No matter how much I try to educate myself with all my different books my labor will be unlike any other. I'll show up to this birth- and you my educated midwife and nurses do your job and i'll do mine.


Happy Tree

I got a lot of Blog hits on the last post. Probably because I said "She's ready to come!!" and ya'll are so greedy just checking my blog to check on the baby. Don't you like hearing about my red carpet nights? My lovey dovey feelings for Phil? or how about the bacteria germs I talk about? Those must keep you entertained. Lol. Just kidding. We're anxious for baby too.
I'm SO FREGAN LAZY. How about YOU come to ME?! How about the Santa Claus comes down Jane tomorrow? That would be so convenient for the pregnant. My butt is sore, my hands are sore, I shave my legs funny and I've got oil and popcorn all over the bed. I also want to sign my Christmas gifts: Love Baby ...? (insert name).
I had a little slip in the mall today (wet floor) and when I went whoa, Phil went whoa. Always wondering is it that time yet?! Don't worry I didn't fall, just glamourously glided.
Yes that's right. My babe got some major brownie points today. He asked me out! No wait, he asked me OUT to the MALL. His lips said Yorkdale- not mine.
I've been very tired and worried lately and sometimes it's hard to leave bed with this belly. But he always gets me up, makes me smile and adds some colour to the day. Today we ventured to get some gifts "love baby...?" but most importantly we wanted to get a tree :D
For the last three years on my own i've dealt with 1 and-a-half-2 foot trees that topple over after only putting on two Christmas balls. We didn't know what we were getting- heck I didn't even think we'd get a tree at Yorkdale of all places.
We went into Sears and walked out with an adorable four foot tree that was 60% OFF! We paid peanuts for it. At the mall we also got the gift idea I wanted, some fitteds and some yummy popcorn.
It was a fab Christmas day. Hopefully we can put up the tree tonight when he's finished filming! If not, there will be time tomorrow inbetween the Santa Claus Parade and the Walking Dead. That is, if i'm not in labour. Mall walking is killing my body now!

I know it's bad but it rarely happens and certainly won't if the baby ever arrives. Big Big Baby Tigger.


Friday, November 18, 2011

She's ready to come out now!

37 weeks pregnant= Full term
Full Term= Baby is ready to come out!
Due Date= Still December 8 but everyone else says earlier
Body: Just started “dropping”- This means that she is heading south. 
Medical: Tested GBS positive. A very random bacteria that comes and goes. It just happened to be down there at the time I was swabbed so they just take precaution so no bacteria gets on the baby. I’ll have to take penicillin when the labour starts and when my water breaks we have about four hours or so until they induce. Joy. 
Feeling: Very heavy, lazy and anxious to meet baby. Everyone says she’s coming soon. Meanwhile I am keeping busy with wrapping up Beatbox Canada, attending Twilight premieres, The Santa Claus parade and craft shows. Slowly decorating for Christmas, got a few things but I don't want to rush until baby gets here! I feel like it could be some sort of jinx. Decided me and Phil may each get the baby a gift that reminds us of our own childhood. 
Love: Last night our baby belly had her first snowfall! Then Phil looked at me all concerned for the warmth of our baby if she's born on a cold winter day. So cute. 
Baby: Moving a lot near the top right rib still. I feel lots of hiccups in my bladder and the midwife is confident with the baby's positioning. I still can't help but wonder/worry about this whole labour experience after having such an amazing pregnancy.

Hurry up baby! 


My Goddaughter Chloe kissing belly

Phil and I at Beatbox Canada!

Ya, trying to hold up the belly. And Phil picked out my new leopard slippers for the hospital

37 weeks pregnant

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Baby Update- 36 Weeks

Is the baby here yet?! That is the question...
Due Date: December 8
Baby: Very very active!
Midwife: Went to see the midwife today at 10a.m. and she was very excited, asking us if we're ready at home because it could be any day now. Her energy fed off really well and almost allows us to be uber excited everyday. This is it! She felt my stomach and said the head isn't as into my pelvis as she'd like, but there's still time. I hope this baby doesn't take her time! She has a very relaxed father and a very anxious mother so we'll see :)

Doctor: Following the midwife I brought myself out to lunch to feed my burger craving before I went to the doctor's at 1p.m. for a check up. It was very funny because I guess the table was hiding my pregnant belly and this girl about my age was sitting with someone older telling her how much she can't stand children and shared her views on a few things. It was entertaining but I do hope she saw me flash my belly.
 Because my glands were swollen last week my doctor has been keeping a close eye on me and did some blood tests to be safe. I had to redo the Thyroid blood test because the results didn't come back matching as they should- a lab mistake she said. She sent me off with a big smile and good luck :D

On the bus ride home the sweetest Italian women looked at me and said she knew I was due next month. She went on to talk about how she had both her children in September so I'm lucky to avoid the heat in my last month of pregnancy. Then she said my face was beautiful and that she can't even look at some pregnant women's faces haha! Such a character. Then she asked how long I've been married... um sensing an old traditional woman I said "only two years" and she approved " that's good!"

When I got home, Phil and I continued his afternoon-long cat nap. When people tell us to rest now and spend time together we take that advice very seriously ;) So I'm home tonight and resting before this weekend's Canadian Beatbox Championships! I feel very accomplished being a part of this team and national event at eight months pregnant. Anita from Out There is coming to do my make up and take some belly photos for her Hawt Shots photography business. Gotta go get dolled up!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thank You

As I sit in my baby's room I am so overwhelmed with emotion.
A pregnant woman with emotions? No really, please keep reading.
I have to Thank You.
I've just filled the drawers of our new dark espresso baby dresser and now I'm rocking on our lazy-boy (ahem my lazy-boy) watching TV with the corner of our baby swing in my eye sight. I'm waiting for the last two loads of baby clothes to wash and I giggle at the diaper box and diaper genie we placed today. My heart lifts because I'm so happy; then my heart shivers because  I recognize that our baby's needs and then some are complete. We didn't have to buy one single thing yet and our baby room is complete. I filled the drawers with items to clothe and care for our baby from newborn to 18 months. I look over at the overflowing box of cards and I'm full of emotions now wondering how I will thank everyone. At this stage I'll most likely combine the baby announcement/first photo/Happy Holidays and Thank You card all in one! Send me your mailing addresses, I'm old fashioned like that ;)
From the bottom of my heart Thank You. If you're reading this blog, you're supporting my baby, me and my love. If you've showered us with a gift, a card or just your presence we take that in our hearts everyday and it helps our baby grow. We have had four Baby Showers. Four beautiful and completely different Baby Showers. Each one had new faces, new smiles and something new for our baby. Aside from a of the same lotions we haven't received any doubles. Each and every diaper, cloth, blanket, outfit, crib, bouncy chair, book, pacifier, cup- anything- is accounted for and has a place in our home.
We're going to be just fine thanks to you. I don't know how this happened, this life that I'm in and this life that Phil and I have created. We've accomplished a lifetime of memories and goals in a mere three years togethers. We're just living and dancing on clouds everyday and now that I'm home from work it's even more magical as we hang frames and make more decisions together. Every night we find ourselves talking about you all and how blessed and thankful we feel. I can hardly put it in to words, let alone this blog. We have beautiful family members that we knew we could count on but it's still incredible to watch everyone's love grow for us and our baby family. And there are even more that have come forward during this pregnancy to show how much they care. Being a young parent is even easier when we see our friends come around and some days seem more excited than me! We've  become closer during these last few months, we've grown, we've learned new lessons and now we're easing our way into this new life; preparing for our new life who, by the way, is moving more than ever! The drawers are full, my breasts are full and our hearts are full. After finding out our pregnancy at six weeks old, I never could have pictured this day when our baby is now 35 weeks old and we play with her/his kicks as we're all ready, waiting and anxious to meet this brand new little friend.
Thank You.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

35 week update

I've just taken myself out to lunch as I wait for another blood test and prepare to go for another ultrasound...on my face. Now my belly has had two ultrasounds, as will my face. Pregnancy is weird! This is all because after an amazing Baby Shower in Sudbury (seperate blog post to come) I woke up Sunday with a swollen face looking like a troll.  I had been complaining about feeling a growth in my face since Friday. Even in Saturday's Baby Shower pics my face looked a little chubby, but I figured it was pregnancy swelling! After being in emerge all of Sunday the
Doctors sent me home on antibiotics hoping to reduce
Any  infection  or swelling. The swelling has gone down, but now we're checking the thyroid.
Oh pregnancy, don't get complicated now! Baby's 35 weeks tmw!!
